
『安曇野市地域通訳案内士』とは 国家資格である「全国通訳案内士」に準じる地域通訳案内士は、定められた地域内で各自治体が独自に定める外国語ガイド資格です。

"Azumino City Local Interpreter Guide" is a local interpreter guide qualification similar to the national qualification of "National Interpreter Guide," established by each local government within designated areas.
They are individuals who can provide guiding services at the world standard level using languages such as English and Japanese, mainly for urban sightseeing and hiking.
For example exploring the Northern Alps Panorama Ginza Course , visiting the Wasabi Fields with natural spring water and the historic Hotaka Shrine... Azumino City Local Interpreter Guides support your journey to enjoy a more fulfilling trip in Azumino.
Feel the charm of Azumino through locally-rooted guiding services!

デクレット ポール ジョセフ
Paul Joseph Deckret

【登録番号 Registration number】

【自己紹介 Self-introduction】
I’m from the U.S. but am a permanent resident of Japan based in a small village in rural Nagano, where I live with my family in a 140-year-old farmhouse. I have always loved the outdoors and have ventured to more than 40 countries for trekking, but Japan holds a special place in my heart, and my passion is sharing it with others; especially the Japanese Alps! I’ve spent 20+ years exploring every corner of the Alps, and am the first non-Japanese person to summit the 100 Tallest Mountains of Japan, which I’ve climbed an average of 4 times each.
・Otari Shionomichi(Salt Road) official Guide ・WMAI Wilderness First Responder(WFR) Professional Level

【連絡先 Contact information】

【得意分野 Area of expertise】
I’m a trail runner and fastpacker, and have competed in several notoriously difficult mountain races here in Japan. I’m one of only a few guides in the country who are able to lead all varieties of adventures, from relaxed hut-to-hut hiking to extended trail runs and intense multi-day fastpacking trips.

【安曇野の好きなところを一言で! In one word, what you like about Azumino?】
Panorama Ginza is one of the best multi-day treks in the Northern Alps, and one of my personal favorites that I'd LOVE to share with you!

木下 奈津子

【登録番号 Registration number】

【自己紹介 Self-introduction】
I have noticed many wonderful things and beautiful places since I started living in Azumino City.
And those stocks of informations continue to increase even now.
I'd be glad if I could share those with you.

【連絡先 Contact information】

【得意分野 Area of expertise】
I'm confident in my physical strength and always up for anything.
So don't hesitate to tell what you want to try even if it's not something typically local or typically Japanese.

【安曇野の好きなところを一言で! In one word, what you like about Azumino?】
You can enjoy the breathtaking view of snowy Alps up close, while the city experiences very little snowfall, making your stay and transportation easy.

山口 隆

【登録番号 Registration number】

【自己紹介 Self-introduction】
Hello! I am a local guide living in Azumino. For about three years, I have introduced the area's charms, including neighboring regions, to tourists. I hope you enjoy the region's charm while touring Azumino's beautiful rural scenery, a wasabi farm, Dosojin (traveler's guardians), historical landmarks, and more.
I look forward to seeing you!

【連絡先 Contact information】

【得意分野 Area of expertise】
I want to introduce you to a walking course centered around the city area, where you can fully enjoy nature and culture, such as a wasabi farm, Dosojin(traveler’s guardians), a sake brewery, local beer factories, the silkworm museum, a traditional shrine.

【安曇野の好きなところを一言で! In one word, what you like about Azumino?】
Azumino's idyllic countryside scenery will soothe our souls!

大沼 和彦
ONUMA Kazuhiko

【登録番号 Registration number】

【自己紹介 Self-introduction】
・全国通訳案内士 ・安曇野市地域通訳案内士 ・日本山岳ガイド協会登山ガイドステージⅠ ・日本ソムリエ協会 ワインエキスパート/ Sake Diploma
While working for foreign and domestic financial institutions for over several decades, I started frequently hiking in the mountains. I am also a food paring aficionado and have profound knowledge about wine and sake. My primary interest is to hike and meet local people to understand how they enjoy local food in a mixture of a historical and cultural context. I hope to guide inbound tourists for them to experience the nature, cuisine and the people of Japan.
・National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter ・JMGA certified hiking guideⅠ ・WSET Level3 Award in wines and Sake ・CPA Cheese Professional

【連絡先 Contact information】

【得意分野 Area of expertise】
As a foodie I would like to introduce great wine and sake together with the amazing local food in Azumino.

【安曇野の好きなところを一言で! In one word, what you like about Azumino?】

小嶋 住江

【登録番号 Registration number】

【自己紹介 Self-introduction】
I was born and raised in Azumino. I came back to my hometown after I traveled and lived in different places. I love my hometown and my appreciation toward the beautiful nature of Azumino is greater now than when I was young. I feel very lucky to be a guide in such a special place, and I will be very happy to take you to an original journey to go deep into the life in Azumino, as if you are locals.

【連絡先 Contact information】

【得意分野 Area of expertise】
安曇野の豊かな森を五感すべてで感じ、そしてゆったりとしたリラックスの時間を味わっていただける森林浴を体験していただきたいです。他に類を見ない、日本人と自然の関係や精神性、それとともにある独自の文化にもふれることができる、新しい森林浴を森林浴発祥の地、長野県で味わっていただけます。森林浴の他に、自然案内や自然体験も得意分野 Area of expertiseです。
I am a certified Shinrin-Yoku (Forest Bathing) facilitator. I also have several certifications in relation to nature interpreter. I would like my cliants to enjoy rich nature of Azumino in their own original ways, and I will be supporting them to have unique experiences which could transform their view of world.

【安曇野の好きなところを一言で! In one word, what you like about Azumino?】
Green and blue. Forest and water.

加藤 清巳
KATO Kiyomi

【登録番号 Registration number】

【自己紹介 Self-introduction】
After 19 years of living in Europe, US, and Brazil, and having seen the Amazon River, Machu Pichu, Schoenbrunn Palace, and cities like L.A., Amsterdam or Rio de Janeiro, I had a love at first sight with Azumino and ended up buying a cottage here!
To me Azumino is a hidden little gem of rural Japan, and it is my pleasure to share its beauty and charms with you. If you are a repeater in Japan and look for something different from Tokyo, Osaka or Kyoto, I am your guide.

【連絡先 Contact information】

【得意分野 Area of expertise】
道祖神、わさび田、拾ケ堰・・・単なる知識ではなく、暮らしや歴史文化の文脈で捉えて共感してもらえる「ググるだけでは知り得ないanother story」を語れるよう努めています。また全国通訳案内士として松本市内、上高地、中山道もご案内できます。
My philosophy is 'if you can google it, you don't need a guide.' I love to explore another story or uncover hidden secrets about Azumino, and share with you. A walking tour or a cycling tour available.
As a National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter, I also cover Matsumoto, Kamikochi, and Nakasendo.

【安曇野の好きなところを一言で! In one word, what you like about Azumino?】
Azumino is a hidden little gem of rural Japan. Come and Enjoy!

笠原 名保子

【登録番号 Registration number】

【自己紹介 Self-introduction】
It has been more than ten years since I moved to Azumino, and I have been fascinated by the superb scenery of the Northern Alps and rural landscape in Azumino, which shows various expressions in each season. I enjoy looking for nice cafes and going to the farmer's markets for seasonal agricultural products.

【連絡先 Contact information】

【得意分野 Area of expertise】
I am familiar with the great view points, comfortable roads for drive and nice cafes, not only in Azumino but also around Azumino. I would like to share my favorite scenery and local food with tourist. I will guide you by bicycle or motorbike.

【安曇野の好きなところを一言で! In one word, what you like about Azumino?】

岡田 忠興
OKADA Tadaoki

【登録番号 Registration number】

【自己紹介 Self-introduction】
I want to live my life on my own axis, while being conscious of the ordinary boundaries. After I had been journalist for 17 years, I graduated from Law School in Okinawa. In 2022, I took the Astronaut Selection Exam of JAXA. And my book 『Multicultural Symbiosis and Administrative Lawyer's Role 』 was published by Zeimukeiri-kyokai in 2023. I like climbing mountains and have lived in Matsumoto City since 2010. Let's enjoy Azumino with me !

【連絡先 Contact information】

【得意分野 Area of expertise】
I can assemble tours to suit the needs of guest flexibly. I have climbed almost all mountains of Japan Northern Alps since my childhood. I am National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter in English and Juris Doctor, so I have a broad perspective.

【安曇野の好きなところを一言で! In one word, what you like about Azumino?】
Northern Alps reflected on the water surface

影山 朋子

【登録番号 Registration number】

【自己紹介 Self-introduction】
Azumino is my favorite place in Japan.
I love hiking. Let's enjoy hike the mountains of the Northern Alps together!!

【連絡先 Contact information】

【得意分野 Area of expertise】
I am confident in my physical strength! In addition to mountain hiking, I also enjoy marathons and road bikes.

【安曇野の好きなところを一言で! In one word, what you like about Azumino?】
I love the Northern Alps

長島 美樹

【登録番号 Registration number】

【自己紹介 Self-introduction】
I am a local guide born and raised in Azumino.
I love hiking and traveling. And I'm a foodie!
After living in Tokyo for 20 years, I made a U-turn and realized once again how wonderful my hometown is.I am working every day to share the beauty of nature, the goodness of people, and the joy of mountains in Azumino with as many people as possible.
I always aim to be there for those who need the support of a guide, to keep pace with them, and to create fun memories together.

【連絡先 Contact information】

【得意分野 Area of expertise】
・信州登山案内人(長野県認定登山ガイド) ・WMA野外災害救急法 WAFA(アドバンスレベル) ・グローバルサスティナブルツーリズム Professional Certificate
Mountain hiking in "Northern Japan Alps" and "Satoyama"(small mountains around Azumino)
・Nagano Prefectureʼs Certified Mountain-Guide ・WMAI Wilderness Advanced First Aid (WAFA) Advanced Level ・Grobal Sustinable Tourism Professional Certificate

【安曇野の好きなところを一言で! In one word, what you like about Azumino?】
the beauty of nature & the goodness of people

小林 健介

【登録番号 Registration number】

【自己紹介 Self-introduction】
Certified Local Interpreter and Guide for Azumino City / Certified Mountain Guide Stage II by the Japan Mountain Guides Association
I mainly hike and guide in the Northern Japanese Alps, as well as in mountains around the Kanto region, including Oze and the Okuchichibu Mountains area.

【連絡先 Contact information】

【得意分野 Area of expertise】
I enjoy hiking in the mountains to experience the changing seasons.

【安曇野の好きなところを一言で! In one word, what you like about Azumino?】
The scenery of Satoyama and its mountains is truly beautiful!

小川 尚美

【登録番号 Registration number】

【自己紹介 Self-introduction】
I'm originally from Nagoya and have been living in Azumino for 7 years. Now that I am a guide, I still enjoy Azumino as much as a tourist myself! I want to share the beauty, history, culture and people of Azumino with you to help make awesome memories of your visit to Azumino!

【連絡先 Contact information】

【得意分野 Area of expertise】
Visitors often enjoy tours of Azumino's spring water and Dosojin(Roadside Deities), as well as tourists' spots such as Hotaka Shrine, the Daio Wasabi Farm and Matsumoto Castle. I'm good at making my tours interactive and remembering people's names and faces.

【安曇野の好きなところを一言で! In one word, what you like about Azumino?】
I love the scenery of the Northern Alps and spring water.

上田 理子
UEDA Ayako

【登録番号 Registration number】

【自己紹介 Self-introduction】
My love for mountains led me to become a hiking guide in Azumino, home to the iconic beauty of Japan. It embodies our ideal hometown, blending nature and community in perfect harmony. Although I am originally from Kyoto/Kobe and have lived in Tokyo for over 20 years, I frequently visit Nagano to feel a sense of belonging. As a National Guide Interpreter with extensive experience, I can provide seamless service across Japan. I believe that travel has the power to positively change lives and contribute to making the world a better place. i look forward to traveling with you.

【連絡先 Contact information】

【得意分野 Area of expertise】
I love hiking both in nature and on cultural trails. As evidenced by my choice of major in food science, I am also passionate about food and the Japanese culinary culture.

【安曇野の好きなところを一言で! In one word, what you like about Azumino?】
Lush green mountains and crystal clear water: the hometown of Japanese soul.

宮田 浩美

【登録番号 Registration number】

【自己紹介 Self-introduction】
I'm a local guide, born and raised in Azumino. After living in Tokyo, Kyoto, Hokkaido and several cities, I came back to my hometown and have been fascinated by the beauty of the mountains and the kindness of people here.
As well as a tour guide belonging to a local group, I'm a farmer growing wheat, soy beans and rice and a soy sauce maker using the ingredients I . The homemade soy sauce tastes just great!

【連絡先 Contact information】

【得意分野 Area of expertise】
・WMA野外災害救急法 WAFA(アドバンスレベル)
My speciality is everything related to food and drink, including cooking and farming. I know nice local restaurants, cafes, sake bleweries, wineries and farms for fruits picking. I would like to taste various local Japanese food such as wasabi and miso with the guests and share its background and recipe.
I also cover Matsumoto, Nakasendo, Takayama and Kanazawa if you would like. As a mother of two kids living with my parents, I'm family-friendly for all ages, too.
・WMAI Wilderness Advanced First Aid (WAFA) Advanced Level ・Professional chef's license

【安曇野の好きなところを一言で! In one word, what you like about Azumino?】
Mountains surrounding the town and crystal clear water that tastes amasing!

三浦 賢

【登録番号 Registration number】

【自己紹介 Self-introduction】
After more than 70 times trip over countries, especially Germany, over decades, I started guiding central Japan as a National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter, while enjoying walking mountain trails in Japan and over the world, and telmark ski. Now, I am happy to welcome you guiding famous Japan Panorama Ginza trail, Aumizno city, and also excursion to Kisoji Road.

【連絡先 Contact information】

【得意分野 Area of expertise】
登山・ハイキングはもちろんですが、名古屋から木曽あるいは飛騨と安曇野をつなぐいにしえの古道や寺社仏閣もあわせてご案内します。そして、ガイドツアーの最後には私と一緒に沖縄三線を弾いてみませんか? 海だけではなく、信州の風にも溶け込むやさしい音色を出せるまでたった5分…手ほどきいたします。皆さんとお会いできるのを楽しみにお待ちしています。
Hiking and hut-to-hut hopping in Alps mountains, journey to Central Japan from Azumino, old mountain pass road… and do not forget, unforgettable experience playing Japanese traditinal three-stringed musical instrument ("Sanshin" Banjo) together !

【安曇野の好きなところを一言で! In one word, what you like about Azumino?】
I find my worries become almost nothing in Azumino with people.

島田 園枝

【登録番号 Registration number】

【自己紹介 Self-introduction】
I fell in love with Azumino when I visited the small art museum in the forest 10 years ago. I was moved by the beautiful forest, the wonderful art collection, and the beauty of the snow that was falling quietly there. My hope is that you will have a fun and memorable trip to Azumino.

【連絡先 Contact information】

【得意分野 Area of expertise】
Please let me know your interests and requests. I will create a special trip just for you. My specialties are art, flowers and beautiful scenery, architecture, antiques, kimonos, and cafes. I live in Matsumoto city and can also guide you in Matsumoto.

【安曇野の好きなところを一言で! In one word, what you like about Azumino?】
Simple and peaceful.

【ご注意 Note】

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The Azumino City Tourism Association provides information and listings to support the activities of Azumino City Local Interpreter Guides. However, please note that we do not engage in mediation or any activities after providing information. Also, the Azumino City Tourism Association shall not be involved in any complaints, disputes, etc., regarding Azumino City Local Interpreter Guides and shall not be liable for any damages incurred by them or third parties arising from their activities. Therefore, please be aware of this and use the service accordingly.
The "@" symbol is displayed as "▲" to prevent automatic collection of spam emails and allow safe communication.

© 2021 一般社団法人 安曇野市観光協会