In Winter a large number of swans come to Japan to escape from the cold in Siberia, Russia.
In Azumino which is located in the central part of Japan, first coming of swans was confirmed in 1984. After that the swan have been favored by citizens and tourist, and they became an indispensable charm in the winter season in Azumino.
The number of swans came to Azumino in 2012 was 1083.
However, the number of swans has been below 1000 after 2012.
Therefore, we are happy to inform you that this year 1146 swans have been confirmed on January 23rd.
It is unfortunate that trips to Japan are restricted this year because of the spread of new corona virus. We strongly hope that you’ll be able to visit Azumino and enjoy watching swans fly in to the sky and swim in the river on the next season.